We help beginner coaches & course creators make between $5,000-$10,000/month online.

Pay Nothing Out Of Pocket To Get Started.

Are you...

🥑 Someone who loves helping others but has never made money online before?

🧘‍♀️ A coach or trainer who wants guaranteed passive income every month?

🫦 An influencer who wants to monetize your audience?

Wish you had...

✓ Guaranteed passive income every month...?

More freedom and flexibility...?

Creative content you're proud of...?

A supportive community...?

  No worries about money...?

  Unlimited quality leads...?

Struggling with...

Not knowing what to offer...?

Getting everything set up...?

Self confidence issues...?

Procrastination & focus issues...?

 Growing your audience...?

Contentpreneurs is an online coaching program for creators who want to make $5,000/month or more through contentpreneurship.
How we get our clients such good results:
Making $5,000/month online has never been easier. 

We start by helping you get crystal clear on WHO you're helping and what niche specific problem you're solving.

Take us for example, we help creators solve the challenging 'money making' problem.

Then we help you post genuinely helpful content across social media platforms so you can attract your ideal customers.

Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and Facebook are our top 4 go-to's. 

We then help you grow your email list and get people into your free community so you can have a raving fanbase OFF of social media.

Then we help you nurture the people on your email list and in your community so when you present them with offer, they buy.
Here's some of what you get inside Contentpreneurs:
Personalized 1 on 1 Attention & Guidance with Weekly Classes
Done-For-You Tech Support
Need help with setting up your website, funnel, ads, automation, payment gateways, calendars? We got you. Sit back n relax while we take over & set everything up for you. 
Done-With-You Content Creation
Never create content alone again! We'll help you script film and edit your video live on Zoom together. By the end of each class you'll have filmed or uploaded a piece of content you're proud of.
Personalized Marketing & Sales Feedback
 We'll help you craft clear, compelling sales copy + tell you what to say in the DM's, in your posts, and in your emails so you can make more sales with less work.
Get monthly access to our guaranteed growth resources like...
Interactive Live Workshops
 We'll find what you're struggling with, then brainstorm solutions live on the call with you so you can always leave having taken a massive step forward in your business. Need help overcoming a bottleneck? We got you.
Personalized Content Reviews
 We'll help you with your branding so it's congruent, messaging so it resonates with your dream clients and makes them say "YES! I want that!" 
Copy/Paste Marketing Materials
 Never stare at a blank page and wonder what to write again. Just copy/paste our proven sales copy and then fill in the blanks to make it your own. Spend no more than 10 minutes writings compelling copy that SELLS.

In Other Words... Everything You Need to Launch & Grow a $5,000/Month Online Business.

Want to Be One of Our Next Success Stories?

"Ted did a great job of helping me create a low ticket membership group as well as a high ticket offer. I'm now creating financial freedom for myself doing what I love."

- Aaron M. Florida
"Not only have I already made my investment back, but now I’ve got the freedom to work from home on my own terms. I’ve also now have the ability to support myself financially by doing something that I love - I never have to worry about getting a 9 to 5 job ever again."

- Yelina P. Florida
"Contentpreneurs has given me the financial security, reliability & peace of mind that only comes from having my own membership site. The Contentpreneurs coaching calls alone are easily worth $3,000/month... $47/month feels like stealing. I'm happy to pay 10x what I'm paying now."

- Daniel B. Vancouver
"I've been in the membership less than a week and what I've learned in only 3 to 4 workshops has exceeded the $47 a month price tenfold or more. I quit other subscriptions just to afford this one, and it was well worth it."

- Raj R. California
"If you've ever wanted to break into the online game and start making money online as a vegan but had no clue how to do it, Contentpreneurs is for you. Even if you really don't have any followers on social media, I would still highly recommend you sign up to learn how to grow your audience. I know you can get the same results that I got and all the other members have gotten as well."

- Brett C. Indianapolis
"This program lays out the perfect blueprint for making a living doing what you love to do. If you're somebody that loves to create content and you want to put yourself out there and you want to do what you love to do for a living I would highly recommend this program."

- Jalen S. Texas
"Before joining, I'd never sold anything online. I'm computer illiterate. So the first launch I did with Ted...  my program was $497, and we made ten sales. And that first launch was basically like a rough draft... which was pretty amazing for me because it showed me the amount of potential online sales has. Working with Ted has been really amazing and is actually mind blowing for a guy that's never sold anything online before."

- Ali A. Vancouver
"“I made just under £3,000 in sales in just over a month - which is insane. I never even thought was possible. If you’re ever second guessing about working with Ted, just do it! He will help you."

- Ami P. London
"If you're thinking about doing this, you can't go wrong with investing in yourself, you can't go wrong with investing in your future, you can't go wrong with investing in your family. This is how you do it. This is how you grow your business!"

- Julie T. Florida
Copyright 2023 - Contentpreneurs - All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Reversed

Ted Carr cannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. 

Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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